Our Team
Karen Helene, Director: Certified Special Education Teacher & Administrator, MS in Special Education; more than 30 years’ experience in the field. Since 2019, has served as president of the Board of Director for the CT Association of Private Special Education Facilities (CAPSEF).
Sarah Cyr, Program Specialist: Certified Special Education Teacher, MS in Special Education, nearly 40 years in the field, works to support teams in program development.
Eric Sylvester, Paraeducator Supervisor: Nearly 10 years of experience in various roles throughout Benhaven Inc. Responsible for hiring paraeducator staff as well as supervision. One of Benhaven School’s Physical/Psychological Management Training (PMT) trainers.
- Seven certified special education teachers for seven classrooms, one is also Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA)
- Jennie Vaughan, Certified Special Education Teacher and administrator. Serves as mentor/coach for teachers.
- Ellen Miller, Certified Special Education Teacher as our Vocational/Transitional Teacher, also PMT coach
- Dan Kahl, Certified Physical Education & Health Teacher, also PMT trainer
- Three and a half full-time Speech & Language Pathologists: Bobie Bessette, Kaitlin Gensicki, Giovanna Diana & Kaitlyn Markowicz
- Darlene Talavera, Occupational Therapist (OT)
- Dianna Burkle, Certified OT Assistant (COTA)
- Liz Pisa, Certified OT Assistant (COTA)
- Laura DellaCamera, Registered Nurse (RN)
- Forty well-trained, dedicated paraeducators who are supported by the paraeducator supervisor and Rosalyn Cuevas, the training supervisor.
- Greg Spector - School Operations Coordinator
- Ashley Ullrich - Administrative Assistant