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"Rocking Berlin" One Walk at a Time

My name is Kyle and I attend the best school ever, Benhaven Academy. During our virus shutdown I've been taking walks with my dog, Daisy. On my walks I usually look for feathers but a few weeks ago I found two colorful rocks.  I live in Berlin and our town has a group called "Rocking Berlin", the group paints rocks and places them all over town, once found you can keep it or re-hide the rock.  I'm a collector so I'll be keeping all the rocks I find, so far I've collected 28 rocks, one of my favorites is a painted Shark rock. I'm looking forward to school reopening but, for now, I'm really enjoying rock hunting with Daisy. I discovered that the Berlin Rocks group also hides some rocks in other towns, you'll know it's a "Berlin" rock if it has a "B" underneath, Happy rock hunting everyone!!




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